Friday, May 18, 2012

Very Cute Shirt, but Super Easy to Sew

This shirt is so easy to sew.  It is basically sewing two rectangles together.  Here is the pattern:

I added ribbon around the sides of the shirt.  You can use laces too.

This is on the wrong side of the shirt where the lining around the necked is installed.  Don't cut the lining and interfacing before it is sewed on to the shirt.

This is how it looks like in the front.

The last step is to sew the both sides.  I sewed at 12 cm from the edges.  You can sew in more or less depends on your preference.

I made another one with a V-neck design.

Happy sewing!

這件衣服基本上就是兩片長方型的布縫在一起, 上面有附圖形分 S M L 三個尺寸.剪好布以後車布邊, 如果沒有布邊機可以用裁縫機上的刺繡功能處理布邊.

首先, 邊邊縫上緞帶或蕾絲.

二. 連結肩膀處然後縫上襯布, 前面開襟的地方先不要剪開, 先畫一條線在要開襟的地方,繞著那條線縫, 都縫好以後再剪開, 然後翻出正面.

三. 將兩邊縫合, 我是縫在離布邊12 cm 的地方, 你可以依照自己的胖瘦加減.

最後一張照片是另外一件V字領的, 有興趣可以試試.

How a Pattern is Created?

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